caches in OS X
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System Environments
Operating Systems
- Main- : OS X El Capitan (10.11.2)
- Sub- : Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy (7.9)
- Server: Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy || Squeeze
- Mobile: iOS 9.2
Title is self-explanatory. If you share a non-media file, such as, via in OS X, its cache will be then stored in the following directory.
~/Library/Containers/ru.keepcoder.Telegram/Data/Library/Application Support/Telegram/exports/
You probably can't recognize files you wanna delete by their names. But it can be identified by the size of the file you uploaded via
I don't know if such a cache is temporary, so that it's gonna be deleted later like caches in browsers. I just want them to disappear immediately.
FYI) Caches for media files can be handled inside of
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