Monday, November 11, 2013

Veusz in OS X Mavericks

Veusz in OS X Mavericks

Veusz in OS X Mavericks

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This post is written with emacs org-mode.

Operating System Environments

  • Main- : OS X Mavericks (10.9)
  • Sub- : Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy (7.2)
  • Server: Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze || Lenny
  • Mobile: iOS 7.0.3

Veusz in OS X Mountain Lion

Almost everything works fine. There would be no critical problem to use Veusz in OS X Mountain Lion. Current(<2013-11-11 Mon>) version is 1.18. You can download Veusz OS X binary via the following link.

Veusz in OS X Mavericks

It is working but annoying as well.


Opening a .vsz file directly with Veusz in Finder, Quicksilver, or a launcher is not properly functional. For example, when you directly open a .vsz file having a few linked data, Veusz launches with an empty sheet. It is not definitely caused by updating procedure to OS X Mavericks. Simply Veusz(v1.18) has an unsolved bug in OS X Mavericks. Fortunately(?), a .vsz file itself you have worked or been working has no problem, because you can see that correctly written scripts in that file via an editor like Aquamacs.


The only way I have found is simple but requires one more step.

  1. Launch
  2. ⌘O to open a .vsz file through

That's all. Don't directly open a .vsz file in Finder. Open first, then open(⌘O) a file you want to use through

Update(<2013-11-15 Fri>): The bug is gone in the beta-version of Veusz(veusz-1.18.999-AppleOSX.dmg). Don't be confused that there are three nines not two in the name of file.

Created: 2013-11-15 Fri 22:10

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.2)

Validate XHTML 1.0


  1. You're welcome to try the new beta version of Veusz, which should have this bug fixed in Mavericks:
    More details on other changes here:

    1. Thank you for leaving your kind comment here, @Jeremy Sanders. The bug is fixed in that beta version(veusz-1.18.999-AppleOSX).
